At New Hope, no matter what you are going through, we are here to help you find healing and hope. Whatever season of life you are in or difficulties you may be facing, whether relational challenges, confusing decisions, or challenging circumstances, you'll find people at New Hope Church who are willing to help you find comfort and guidance from the Lord and His Word.
Below is a list of Care and Counseling ministries below. In addition, New Hope Church has a Care Giving Ministry that exists to provide prayer support and practical help in your time of need. Let us know how we can help.

Even after receiving Christ, most people still believe the negative voices of their past rather than what God says about them. Through The Ultimate Journey you will be able to exchange the lies for the truth so you can see yourself as God sees you. As a result, you will experience wholeness and walk in true freedom that will transform your life.
It is normal, even as Christians, to have questions when we experience the struggles of life. David cried out, "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Ps. 8:3, 4). We ask these kinds of questions: God, do you care? Why do you care? When the universe is so large, and full of so many people, why would you care about me? Why am I here? What's my purpose? Is there meaning to life? Is there a reason for living?
All is not right with the world, with your life or mine, and we do not need to pretend that it is. The best life is not the life of materialism, easy living, or smooth sailing. It's the life that exists as people created in God's image live in a fallen world among fallen people. Maturity develops through a messy process. Growth does not take place in a straight line. It can't be plotted on a graph with an exact formula. We live between two worlds, the world of the present and the world to come. When we find rest in Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30) we find what matters and what lasts.
Pastor Tom